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Piano Class


Be it Beethoven or Mozart, Be it AR Rahman or Chick Corea the Magic with these White and Black keys is Unbounded.


Getting the right sound right away, notes being arranged in increasing order of pitch in Octaves and its ability incorporates Melody, Harmony and Rhythm makes it an ideal instrument for beginners and younger kids.


Wow! It's Drums. Nobody can deny the Kingly presence of Drummer on the stage. 

If its the rhythm of a song that struck your mind when you hear a song, if you can't stop tapping finger or foot with a song, You have found your instrument.

Music Class
Guitar Lessons


"Daddy I'm a RockStar, Daddy I'm a Rockstar 

I don't need Diamonds,

I just wanna a guitar

Daddy I'm a Rockstar, Daddy I'm a Rockstar

I don't need new clothes,

I just wanna a guitar!!"


Well, if you mean it, here it is!!

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